Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Have you tried Haggis? Well, I just came back from Scotland and a friend of mine decided to have some Haggis! He didn't know what it was but he has heard of it! It was a national dish apparently!

It came in a beautiful dish bathed in some kind of yellow sauce! It looked like flour that was poured out of a can but still took the shape of the can. My company gandered at it and kind of smirked to themselves.

There was Rajwin just munching away at his Haggis. He appeared to really enjoy it! He was just wolfing it down and rubbing it in the yellowy, white sauce so casually and neatly. It was unbecoming! Than he offered some to us and so I accepted a little portion. It tried it and it was quite crunchy with a kind of soury twist to it.... I had a questionable odour as well. The smell was like a washroom without the urine puck smell... I don't think I'll ever try it again.

But anyway enough about me, let's talk about Rajwin and his experience with Haggis. He didn't know what it was. The waitress came up to him and asked him specifically if he was enjoying it. He said, "Yes." But little Rajwin thought it unusual that the waitress would ask him specifically about his meal and even mentioned the name of it but she did not ask us about our meals specifically by name.

Later Rajwin asked some questions. He wanted to know what haggis was. We tried to explain but he wouldn't beleive. So after the meal of we went to Benergie from Bengal who told us the history of Haggis. It was a meal given to the Scots by the English who had plundered them. The story goes that the English ate all the best parts of the lamb and gave the rest to the Scots. The rest included the sheeps intestine (I don't know if they cleaned it first), the sheeps brains and eyes and even the testicles... Nothing was wasted! Even the blood was consumed by the eater. Rajwin was shocked and amazed. You should have seen his jaw drop and the "UUHHhhhh...." that came out of his haggis smelling mouth!

Well that is was our adventure with Haggis. Please comment below if you have any questions.


~SIM J~ said...

ahah that's too funny! poor guy!

Warrior4Christ24 said...
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