Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Off to GU

Well we're off! I got most of my packing done... I hope and there is snow outside. We got about 10 people of to the USA for GU! I'm excited and nervous. I've noticed that I'm running low on patience at times. I'm also getting kind of forgetful and am looking at all the snow outside. There is allot! We got to drive through it. Do keep us in your prayers as we go! We need a couple of things....

  1. A powerful move of God
  2. Travel mercies/safety (in the snow especially and no tickets...)
  3. Patience - I hate travelling with snarky, arrogant, cutting people and as far as I know we have none... I hope!
  4. Pray against border delays.
  5. Real Unity
  6. Better memory for me!
  7. Bonding moments with God and the gang!
  8. Peace of mind.
  9. My homework. I'm scrambling to get it done!
  10. Any anything you can think of.
I'll keep you posted and let you know what happens! It will be riveting!

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