Monday, February 04, 2008

Another G-Man

A met another G-Man a while ago. He was very old. The lines on his face were a map to his soul. He had an awesome testimony. He had a German accent and only a grade 8 education. He was single like yours truly. He went to Bible College. He was third in his class... in a class of three. He was full of jokes and here are a few:

  • Love is blind but marriage is an eye opener!
  • There is the engagement ring, wedding ring and suffering!
  • My messages are like a mini skirt. They are short enough to get your attention but long enough to cover the subject matter
He had many more but I can't remember them all.

When he found out my roots go back to Kerala and he said, "Oh you're from Kerala!" and than did the sign of the cross on me.

He talked about his moments of brokeness like when the organization asked for his resignation. He was in tears and wept hard for nearly 15 minutes. He was very old at that time. It was quite hard.
Than he recalled how God warned that morning that something might happen. He asked God why he would even bother to warn him? Why?

God called him to India and a dream was coming alive. He showed us his ministry. God called him to India in the dead centre and I mean DEAD! It started out as lot of land with a hut. It grew to house with young kids. It became a school, offices, dorms etc. It was God building a marvellous ministry. God used this old, German man to pioneer some sensational work. I loved seeing the smile on his face, peace in his soul and joy in his heart.

What was awesome is that he was a man with nothing to prove. He had absolutely nothing to prove! This is the mark of truly humble people who do not care to be recognized, honoured, esteemed or even acknowledged. I wish we had more people like this. It gets just plain dumb when professing Christians are only about getting praise for themselves. It is so shallow....This man was not one of them!

"Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own,..." (1 Corinthians 13:4-5a)

May there be many more to come!

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