Saturday, January 08, 2005

God-Shaped Hole

Everyone feels a sense of guilt. A deep sense of filth! But how is it relieved? For some it is through overeating, for others it can be through sex, drugs, or even hours of television. You name it! Everyone tries to fill that God-shaped hole inside. But nothing seems to fit the hole. It's to BIG! It's to specific for a certain kind of shape. What can possibly fill it? What can give everyone meaning and purpose? What are we here for? What will fill the hole whole?

It only comes with Jesus. He fills the void! When everyone truly lives for him and strips off the old self and puts on the new self filled with love, joy, peace. But some of his followers can fall back into there old routine of things. Somehow He is forgotten and going back to filling the void with over eating, movies, drugs etc., takes it's place. It might not even be seen or known until something deep inside just screams to come back to the Master. The conscious can get seared and at times it is drowned until it cannot be heard anymore. Joy, peace and love are lost. Instead it grows cold, hopeless and depressed.

What to do in this situation? Turn back to the Master, Savior, Shepherd, Guardian Jesus! Ask Him for forgiveness, cleansing and restoration. He provides grace and mercy in times of need. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins are cleanse us of all unrighteousness. He will by no means forsakes us? Have you heard about the lost sheep, prodigal son, lost coin?

Go ahead! I dare you to invite him in your life! I dare you to obey him? I challenge you to talk to him. What do you got to loose? Despair? Depression? Lack of direction purpose and meaning? Turn it all in for the Savior. Then fellowship with godly people, pray and read his Word and you life just might start changing before you know it? Love, joy, peace and a life of adventure come with it. Are you willing to fill the hole wholly? Are you? What are you waiting for?

Come to Lord Jesus, COME!

P/S my grammar is very poor, BAD PARALLELISM!

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