Wednesday, July 25, 2007

And a Way we Go!

Well Friends,

I'm off to England now and I just finished packing (At least I hope I have!). It has been a stormy battle but as mentioned before, the battle belongs to the Lord.

I just have some prayer requests, if you can squeeze me in you prayer time. Actually I made a list:

1. Journey Mercies. (Protection over baggage, wallets, passports etc)

2. Good health strength.

3. Blessings on all those who offer hospitality and help to yours truly.

4. Vigilance (the Jet lag can make me a little bit crazzy)

5. Good sound and equipment. (I'm bringing my guitar and hoping find or rent an amp from someone. I've practiced some songs and they are those that are quite hard!)

6. Perseverance. (Conventions can be really exhausting and I don't want to burn out like in 2004)

7. Quality times of personal devotion. (Being with a gang on a rigorous schedule can take a toll on personal devotions which I absolutely hate!)

8. Team SAGC! That we all work in harmony and unity and under the direction of the Holy Spirit.

9. Victory over Spiritual Warfare. We are fighting in an unseen battle and I don't want to give any room to the Kingdom of Darkness.

10. Team PMC! That the team stay on the same page and work together and by God's grace it has been good so far!

I'm off and I'm quite tired! I'm going to spend some time with Barlow Girl and Jesus in prayer tonight as well. Blessings all around my friends and I'll keep you posted!

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