Saturday, August 18, 2007


Heaven just got a bit more beautiful today. My good friend Pr S has gone on to be with the Lord. Now all I have are memories of him... The last time I spoke to him, he offered me words of encouragement when I was kinda down. That was just like him. He was always sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. That is a great fit if you are a Mr. Sensitive like myself.

Now, I just feel plowed. I have said good bye to enough people. I just hate good byes but I guess that is just life than. Some days I really long for heaven when I can be around all those whom I love and not worry about distances, oceans and time zones that get in between.

Oh, Lord you brought so many beautiful people in my life! Why can't I be with them all at the same time forever. I can't get over the pleasure of wonderful company in my life. Oh Lord.

"Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." (Psalm 43:5)

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